Contributions to Church Funds
If you wish to contribute to any of our church funds, you may do so using one or more of the options outlined below.
Members are asked to include their Freewill Offering (FWO) number in ALL transactions.
Please note that you have a new FWO number in 2021. Remember to change your bank FWO reference number if you contribute by direct bank payments.
If your FWO number is not included in the reference, and we have no way of knowing who it is from, it will be recorded as ‘Anonymous’
By Online Bank Transfer
Please transfer to: Ulster Bank
Account Name: Trinity Presbyterian Church No 3 Account
Sort Code: 98-12-30
Account No: 35090367
Please ensure your new 2021 FWO number is entered as the reference so our treasurers can correctly allocate your payment.
By Online Bank Transfer
Please transfer to: Ulster Bank
Account Name: Trinity Presbyterian Church No 1 Account
Sort Code: 98-12-30
Account No: 35090011
Please ensure your new 2021 FWO number is entered as the reference so our treasurers can correctly allocate your payment.
By Online Bank Transfer
Please transfer to: Ulster Bank
Account Name: Trinity Presbyterian Church No 2 Account
Sort Code: 98-12-30
Account No: 35090284
Please ensure your new 2021 FWO number is entered as the reference so our treasurers can correctly allocate your payment.
Payments by Cheque
If you wish to contribute by cheque to any of the above funds, and you cannot come to church services, cheques may be sent in the post to the Treasurer.
Cheques should be made out to ‘Trinity Presbyterian Church, Omagh’.
Please put the cheque into your church envelope as normal to identify the FWO number. If possible, enclose a separate cheque for the different funds.
Church Envelopes
During COVID-19, the weekly offering through the church envelope system is operating as normal. Any arrangement for the collection of envelopes from a member’s home should be made with the treasurer. No one has authority to collect envelopes from a member’s home except a church office bearer.